At MSAIV (pronounced "em-save" for short), we aim to promote and examine the role of medical students in addressing interpersonal violence as a medical and health issue through advocacy, education, and research.
Our vision is to advocate for and offer high quality educational opportunities to learners about interpersonal violence as a medical and health issue based on lived experiences of subject matter experts (including survivors, patients, and healthcare providers), evidence, research, current standards, or guidelines.

What is Interpersonal Violence?
The World Health Organization defines violence as:
"the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation."
Interpersonal violence is a broad category that refers to violence between individuals.
Examples include physical violence, sexual violence, intimate partner violence or domestic violence, gender-based violence, emotional and psychological abuse, and the impacts of systemic or structural violence that manifest at an individual level.

We believe that medical students have a role in learning how to address interpersonal violence as a medical and health issue.
We believe in advocating for interpersonal violence education that is balanced and represents victims of all genders.
We believe in advocating for interpersonal violence education that addresses the health and care of people affected by violence, including people who are victimized and people who perpetrate violence.
We believe that medical students should be able to learn and work in safe environments, free of abuse and interpersonal violence.
We believe in the importance of employing trauma-informed approaches in medical education based on current best practices.
Why do medical students care about Interpersonal Violence?

We're Recruiting!
To become a local representative of MSAIV at your medical school, email us at Your email should contain a proposal (200-400 words) of your intended project (event, literature review, advocacy activity, etc.), answering the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. If accepted your proposal and contact information will be posted on our website.
To start your own local chapter, email us with the names of three medical students who are ready to commit to a time period of one year, organize your own first annual meeting, and recruit new members who will follow in your footsteps.